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Holy Purpose

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

I began this holiday season with a feeling of heaviness.  It is truly no wonder. In this present time, I can look anywhere in the world and focus my attention on all the horrific events and say, well that is why I am feeling hopelessness, or sadness, or despair.  Darkness is real and it is fully present, more so now than ever before in my lifetime.  It is fully part of my awareness.  I sense it in others, and I tap into its frequency and can quickly become overwhelmed by it, if I am not paying attention.  Currently, it is very easy to fall into fear and worry.

I’m not at all in denial that atrocities are being played out.  Darkness has been the way of this world, for eons.  We are, however, moving into a new way of experiencing life.  We are being called to remember; darkness cannot exist in the light.  When you open a door to a dark room, the light comes flooding in.  It is darkness that flees, not light.  As the light continues to shine brighter, all the shadows become exposed for what they are.  We are coming into awareness of many secret and hidden acts, and we feel disheartened.  We must not allow ourselves to remain in that energy.  Instead, we must purposefully, and intentionally, ramp up the light.

These coming holy days call for awareness of your present moment.  They call for purposeful, intentional acts and rituals that call the light forward.  Do not allow yourself to dwell in the darkness.  Know that it is exposed by the light.  It is playing out its final act and awakening all souls to choose again, to choose better, and to choose differently. 

What simple act might you practice that adds more light to the world?  Can you light a candle and know the light of the divine is present?  Can you hang an ornament on a tree and recongize it reflecting light into the darkness?  Can you open your heart and feel and energetically spread love?  You do not have to work harder or do more things.  You need only consciously tap into the abundance of love and compassion that is streaming toward us and through us in any given moment.

Can you intentionally bring yourself into present awareness and take a deep breath while envisioning filling yourself with light?  Can you purposely feel and hold the light of the divine, and know that love is within you, it is you, and everywhere. 

When you settle into the presence of the divine, you manifest miracles. Connection is your holy purpose.

And know, when you look out to the world, where it seems most dark, there the light is shining brightly, and darkness must flee.

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